Counseling and Career Orientation Center (CCOC)
Last update : 02.03.2021 | Print this page
The Counseling and Career Orientation Center (CCOC) is a support entity that operates within the UMFT with the aim of supporting and advising students, to help them accomodate and integrate into the university environment, and to provide orientation, and psychological counseling.
Simona Bancu Psychologist |
Otilia Golban Psychologist
Elena-Camelia Şocaţiu Psychologist |
Address: 2 Eftimie Murgu Sq, 2nd floor, room 209
Facebook: Centrul de Consiliere si Orientare in Cariera UMFT
As. Prof. Dr. Nilima Rajpal Kundnani, Ph.D. Specialist physician in Pediatrics and Family Medicine International student counselor |
Address: 2 Eftimie Murgu Sq, Student hostel building 1-2, room no. 45
e-mail:; Phone no: +40749031206
Facebook: International Student Counselor office - ISCO
Educational Counseling
The objective of educational counseling is to provide the following services to Romanian and foreign students:
Counseling/ assistance regarding career development;
- Provide information about the types of courses offered by UMFT; assist with choosing higher education opportunities;
- Help develop personal management skills (personal branding, time management, etc.);
- Provide assistance with increasing employability using job search tools: creating employment portfolios, writing cover letters / statements of purpose/ motivation letters; attending job fairs, volunteering and networking with employers, company presentations.
- Help prepare for job interviews;
- Help with training and development of effective learning strategies and adequate motivation;
- Assistance with identifying learning difficulties and exam preparation;
- Conduct reintegration programs for students who discontinued their formal education for various reasons and plan to resume their studies.
Career education
The objective is to counsel high school students who aspire to pursue a career in medicine. Our team of counselors will offer the following services:
- Creating awareness about the importance of career plans, help in making academic/ career choices and choosing the relevant higher education institution for training;
- Conducting educational seminars to highlight the importance of gaining the relevant education/training and the various course options offered by UMFT
Psychological counseling
If you find yourself in one or more of the following situations, you can contact the on-campus psychological counseling service of UMFT:
- You have difficulty in coping with issues; unable to face the problems encountered, and have anxiety, hopelessness, sadness, loss of appetite, strange thoughts, or difficulty concentrating, inability to communicate problems to friends and/or family, and even after trying you were unable to resolve the problem(s);
- You suffered significant losses; you went through difficult situations that you didn’t anticipate;
- You need to share your grief; be heard and understood, and want to make major changes in your life.
For scheduling a one-on-one counseling session, please send us an e-mail to The duration of a session will be 50 minutes. All discussions during the counseling sessions will be held confidential and the information regarding personal data will be protected in compliance with the GDPR rules. The services offered by the CCOC department are free for all UMFT students and employees.
Professional career counseling and career guidance for foreign students
Career counseling is provided to foreign students, resident physicians and PhD students at the International Student Counselor Office (ISCO). The goal is to help them familiarize with and adapt themselves to the new place and culture. ISCO provides the following services throughout the entire study period:
- Information related to organization and accommodation;
- Mediation of issues (if any) between students and university; addressing discrepancies;
- Counseling related to career guidance and international recognition of credentials (degrees, diplomas, competency exams etc.);
- Counseling in order to elaborate the career development plan;
- Information on how to pursue university / postgraduate courses available at UMFT; help with choosing the right educational opportunities;
- Support in developing personal management skills (personal branding, time management, etc.);
- Assistance with creating job search tools: employment portfolio, letter of motivation; job fairs, volunteering and networking with employers, company presentations;
- Preparation for job interviews;
- Information about the steps to be followed by the dropout foreign students in order to reintegrate themselves into the university and resume their studies
To schedule an individual counseling session, please send us an e-mail at; all discussions during the counseling sessions will be kept confidential and the information regarding personal data will be protected in compliance with the GDPR rules. The services offered by the ISCO office are free for all foreign students of UMFT.
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