International Strategy
Last update : 05.02.2018 | Print this page
A new international strategy is required for by the changes that have occurred in internationalisation and the new tendencies developed in higher education:
- The focus in internationalisation has shifted from political or socio-cultural reasons to the global competition of having the best students and to the increasing need to master international and intercultural skills;
- The international ranking of universities has led to a significant increase in academic competition;
- Transborder education has become a viable alternative for student mobility;
- The migration of the skilled labour force enhances the competition for skilled personnel between developed and developing countries;
The new strategic plan is based on two major components:
- internationalisation at home – focusing on activities that help students develop their intercultural skills;
- internationalisation abroad – encompassing all forms of education crossing borders, mobility of students, teaching staff, researchers, programmes, courses, curricula, projects. Our efforts to strengthen this aspect of internationalisation have resulted in a significant increase of incoming Erasmus students: from 3 students in 2007 to 35 students in 2017.
All the aspects above require:
- A stronger connection between the curriculum, the teaching-learning process and profession;
- A greater importance given to the skills of the teaching staff (linguistic competence, up-to-date reference sources, modern interactive teaching methods, etc.);
- A more accurate definition of the terms “international and intercultural skills”;
- Perceiving activities not as an end in itself but as tools meant to enhance the international and intercultural skills of students and teachers.
II. International Mission
The mission of the International Department automatically derives from the mission of the university, with a strong accent on internalization.
- Our primary mission is to train physicians, dental surgeons and pharmacists able to provide safe, effective and highly professional medical services.
- To maintain high academic standards by providing a curricula in keeping with the latest requirements in the field of healthcare.
- To train graduates that are capable to work in an efficient manner both individually and in healthcare facilities that require team work.
- To expand international cooperation with researchers and academic staff from renowned universities and research centres.
- To encourage student/teaching staff/staff mobility in order to gain international experience that can later be applied at home.
III. Objectives
The main objective of the International Department is to attract an increasing number of foreign students who wish to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate studies in our university. This objective cannot be attained without the constant guiding and supervision of all potential candidates.
The International Students Office offers all the necessary information regarding the admission requirements, as well as logistical support. This information is conveyed through various media and encompasses a wide range of activities.
- Posting on our website comprehensive information about the pre-registration and registration procedures, in Romanian, English and French;
- Posting on our website all the downloadable documents for the pre-registration procedure;
- Posting on our website the multiple choice questions, and the necessary reference works, for the EU students who wish to participate in the entrance exam;
- Offering information and counselling by phone or e-mail and maintaining a permanent contact with the potential candidates;
- Guiding the candidates through the process of their final enrollment and offering advice on various administrative matters;
- Informing the candidates on their rights and obligations as future students of the university;
- Offering support and guidance in various problematic situations the students might face;
- Informing the students about decisions or regulations issued by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, embassies or other national or international institutions which might be of immediate concern for foreign citizens.
IV. Strategic points for international development
- Internationalisation should be given a central position in the mission, core activities, policies and reward structures of the university;
- Cultivate international partnerships as dynamic 21st century platforms for research, teaching, and mutual benefit. We currently have 40 framework and bilateral agreements.
- Globalisation of the teaching process by curricular alignment, across all disciplines and at all levels;
- Support the international frameworks which are mandatory for the development of research, in order to create new centres of excellence;
- Engage in international activities together with other universities, institutions and organisations at home;
- Expand studies abroad to new student audiences, focusing on learning experiences that foster skills of international interaction and collaboration;
- Continuously increase the number of international students enrolled in our university, at all levels;
- Explore the potential of an advanced information technology to create innovative forms of international learning and collaboration that were not possible previously (offering e-learning packages to our outgoing students);
- Develop dynamic professional development programmes that prepare faculty and staff for an effective international activity (language classes, training courses);
- Develop the resource base that will enable these activities to go forward.
V. Implementing the strategic points
In order to put these strategic points into practice into an effective way, the following aspects should be taken into account:
- Internationalisation is not just a simple add-on to already existing structures – it changes these structures as the curriculum evolves;
- The composition of staff, students and faculties permanently diversifies;
- Research relies more and more on international cooperation;
- National and international partnerships intensify and diversify constantly;
- The increasing number of international students and the creation of sections where teaching is conducted in a foreign language require the internationalisation of both teaching and auxiliary staff at discipline and at faculty level;
- Diversification of courses and specialisations;
- Increasing the quality of our students. Starting with this academic year, international students were admitted based on objective criteria. Thus, EU students had to take an entrance exam consisting of multiple-choice questions, while non-EU students were admitted based on their ranking obtained according to a set of selection criteria.
VI. Key-performance indicators
- Increasing the number and level of satisfaction of international students;
- Enhancing student and academic success and prowess;
- Increasing the number of graduates gaining employment at their value both at home and abroad;
- Placing the university on a higher position in the international ranking;
- Increasing the visibility of our university abroad.
TOTAL NUMBER OF FOREIGN STUDENTS (all faculties and specialisations)
2012 – 2017

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